Join Us in Engineering a Safer Tomorrow!
Unlock a world of opportunities by joining the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society.

Why you should join.
As a member, you’ll gain access to a community dedicated to advancing product safety engineering and global compliance, from networking with industry experts to accessing exclusive resources, education, and opportunities. PSES membership empowers you to enhance your professional development, contribute to shaping the field, and make a meaningful impact in ensuring safety and reliability across industries.
Resources & Education
- Receive discounts on Society conferences and symposiums registration dues.
- Access to members of standards writing committees.
- Access to newsletters, training webinars and other resources exclusive to society members.
- Cooperative promotion and coordination of Product Safety Engineering activities with multiple IEEE Societies.
Professional Development
- Access education, refresher courses, and stay updated on the latest trends.
- Enhance technical and presentation skills.
- Find mentors or become one to support others.
- Develop consultative skills and expand your professional network.
Community Engagement
- Network with technical experts at local events and industry conferences.
- Access to a virtual community forum for safety engineers and technical professionals.
- Foster camaraderie among like-minded professionals.
- Contribute to creating a safer world for future generations.
Membership Chapters
With chapters worldwide, joining PSES means joining a network of hundreds of qualified industry professionals. Enjoy access to conversations with the brightest minds in the product safety and compliance industry.